Faith’s new book – ‘Inclusive PE for SEND Children’ is available now.
Helping Teachers, Therapists and Parents make schools more inclusive.
The system is broken. Too many children with SEND are struggling at school, or can longer cope in mainstream education.
Instead of trying and failing to ‘fix’ children, we need to make schools more inclusive.
This doesn’t have to be difficult.
Instead of giving one child a movement break, the whole class has a movement break. Instead of one child having a visual timetable, there is a visual timetable for the whole class.
I help make schools more inclusive by equipping teachers, empowering parents and encouraging therapists. This website provides resources and books to help you in the journey towards inclusive education.
Equipping Teachers
Do you have lots of students with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in your class?
Would you like to know more about a Whole School Approach to SEND?
Would you like to make your lessons more inclusive but you don’t have much time or money for big changes?

Empowering Parents
Does your child find school challenging?
Do you wish you had the knowledge and assertiveness to advocate for your child?
Does your child have Emotionally Based School Avoidance?

Encouraging Occupational Therapists
Would you like to impact more pupils and have more influence in schools?
Do you want to learn more about universal interventions?
Are you interested in neuro-affirmative approaches?