Faith Newton is a registered Occupational Therapist. She has over 10 years experience of working with children, parents and schools. She also has 2 children with additional needs.
Professional Experience
Faith spent 4 years working as a Children’s Occupational Therapist in the NHS before starting her own independent practice. As an Independent Occupational Therapist she now focus on helping schools implement change for all pupils. For example, she has helped schools introduce more movement into the classroom routine; made playtimes more inclusive and active, and introduced handwriting techniques and policies to benefit all children.
Faith has worked with teachers in England, Scotland and Afghanistan. Working in many many different schools has given her an awareness of the pressures schools face with cuts to funding, heavy workloads and the increasing number of students with complex and additional needs.
Faith Newton is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and is a member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists.
Personal Experience
Faith’s children both have additional needs and have struggled with mainstream education so she understands some of the challenges that being an SEND parent brings.
She knows all too well the extra energy it takes, the battling, form filling and appointments, the misunderstanding and well meant advice. She is very familiar with issues such as toileting and diet, school refusal, sensory sensitivities, and communication and emotional difficulties.
Writing Experience
Faith loves writing. Her first book is ‘Inclusive PE for SEND Children’ – out September 2023. She has several more books in the pipeline.